Yesterday, the market showed a trend of weakness and concussion throughout the day, and the three major stock indexes closed down collectively in the final session, but the decline was not big either. The morning review pointed out that the overall market is relatively difficult at present, and it is suggested that it should be treated as a concussion city for the time being. Yesterday's market trading was low, and the total turnover between the two places was only 820 billion yuan.

christmascarolpragmatic| The concept of underground pipe network is stronger! Is it expected to break through the box platform?

The rise and fall of individual stocks yesterday was small, and the number of stocks was equal to the limit, but there were also more than 20 stocks down more than 10%. In addition to stocks with performance problems on the drop-limit list, some high-level hot stocks have also been adjusted, with hot sectors such as oil and gas, gold, coal and flying cars falling sharply yesterday. On the face of the news, the State Council conducted a special study on capital market reform, and Central Huijin bought A-share ETF or more than 300 billion yuan in the first quarter, which can boost the market to a certain extent. The Ministry of Finance mentioned to focus on supporting urban renewal and the transformation of underground pipe networks, and the recent heavy rainfall in South China may bring opportunities for the performance of underground pipe network plates. This morning commented on a low underground pipe network concept stock, the unit is expected to break through the box platform in the near future.

Stock name Shanghai index plate name oil and gas service key words market, individual stocks, plate bullish bearish (bullish) the list is no longer full of stocks with performance problems, a large number of high-level hot stocks appeared to adjust the April 23 morning comments-- high-level individual stocks collective adjustment and news self-selected stock writer risk tipsChristmascarolpragmaticThe above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment suggestions related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.