According to the A-share Strategy Weekly report "Investment opportunities in the Middle of the year" issued by Guotai Junan (601211) SecuritiesFreedeuceswildcardgamesThe stock market has priced the medium-and long-term and short-term risks, and looking back, uncertainty is expected to be reduced. The stock market is expected to fluctuate upward in the middle of the year, and investment opportunities are mainly in growth stocks. The report points out that the margin of the reduction of uncertainty is that the disadvantageous factors are fully priced and the institutions do not match their rights and interests.FreedeuceswildcardgamesThe marginal second is that the policy clearly "enhances the inherent stability of the capital market"; the third is that fiscal expenditure is expected to accelerate, create transformation and price inflation is corrected, and systemic risk is released slowly.

Investment opportunities are mainly focused on technology manufacturing, growth cycle materials and consumption, as well as resource products, Hong Kong stock quality companies, and so on. However, it is still important to pay attention to the longer-than-expected duration of high overseas interest rates and global geopolitical uncertainty. The report was released by Guotai Junan Securities Strategy Fang Yi team.

freedeuceswildcardgames| The stock market will fluctuate upwards, and investment opportunities will mainly include growth stocks.

Plate name Consumer Electronics, brokerage concept keywords uncertainty reduced, fiscal expenditure accelerated, manufacturing transformation and price inflation positive, bearish (bullish) the margin of uncertainty reduced is that the unfavorable factors are fully priced, institutions do not match rights and interests; policies clearly enhance the inherent stability of the capital market; fiscal expenditure is expected to accelerate, manufacturing transformation and price inflation correct, and systemic risks are released slowly. [King's Strategy | Weekly discussion] Investment opportunities in the middle of the year Hexun self-selected stock writer risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment suggestions related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.